What is the PPN?
Limerick Public Participation Network (PPN) is a network of community, voluntary, social inclusion and environmental organisations, working together for a better Limerick.
Limerick Public Participation Network enables the community to be represented in decision-making processes such as Limerick City and County Council committees and local public consultation processes.
Role of the PPN
The role of Limerick PPN is to:
- provide a mechanism for the Council to consult with the public on new plans/strategies, policies, services and other community supports
- act as a platform for groups/organisations to develop policies and positions on issues of common interest and to advocate for these with the Council
- facilitate the representation and participation of the public on Council committees (ie: Strategic Policy Committees, Local Community Development Committee, and Joint Policing Committee)
- strengthen the capacity of groups /organisations to contribute positively to their local community and the wider City/County
- provide networking opportunities and act as a hub around which information and ideas are shared
Benefits of the PPN
- be part of a way for the local authority to consult with the general public on its plans/strategies and services, including: Local Areas plans, City & County Development Plans
- elect representatives to local authority policy-making committees and influence what happens at these committees
- networking: share information and ideas, learn from other groups / organisations in your area or sector
- get information on funding, grants and initiatives which are of interest to your group/organisation and community
- use the PPN’s interactive web platform to link directly with other like-minded groups and organisations across the City & County
- avail of free & low cost support and training
- create a sense of solidarity and collective action across the City & County