Thematic Groups are working groups that bring together all PPN member groups/organisations that have either a remit or an interest in a particular issue, regardless of which Municipal District, sector or Pillar the member belongs to.
They are established in order to create more effective platforms for debate and discussion amongst PPN members and facilitate organisations to voice a wide range of views and interests that can feed back into the local government system. They may also set policy priorities, provide input into consultations and so forth, on behalf of the PPN. Limerick PPN currently has an elected representative sitting on the Limerick Mayor Implementation Advisory Group.
Linkage Groups are thematic sub-groups of the PPN that correspond directly to external committees that require representation from the community, voluntary, social inclusion and Environment/Conservation sectors of the community. A linkage group lasts for the lifetime of the committee it is aligned to. For more details on Limerick PPN linkage groups go to our Linkage Group page.