Call to Partake in Survey of Public Participation Networks
The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) are interested in getting your views on Public Participation Networks (PPNs).
PPNs were first set up six years ago. They are now operational in all counties in Ireland and have over 18,000 groups with over 1.5 million members registered with them.
The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) has appointed Mazars consultants to carry out an independent structural review of the PPNs to guide their future development and ensure that the structures in place allow for effective representation of their communities in local decision-making.
This survey is the first part of a number of consultations that will take place as part of the review and we are looking to hear from all those who have an interest in the PPNs about your experiences.
DRCD is very grateful to all stakeholders who take the time to fill in this survey, whatever your interest, as the answers you provide will inform later consultation phases.
You can access the survey by clicking on this link:
More information about the aims and timeline of the review are included in the link.
If you have any questions about the review, please contact