‘Help Protect Limerick’s Rivers, Lakes & Coastal Waters’

Limerick PPN and the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) will co-host an event ‘Help Protect Limerick’s Rivers, Lakes & Coastal Waters’  this coming Thursday November 25th. This forms part of the public consultation for community groups in Limerick City & County on the Draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland (2022 to 2027). 

The 1 hour event will take place via Zoom
Date: Thursday. 25th November 2021
Time: 19:30 to 20:30 hours


    1. Opening & Welcome
    2. Background to meeting & the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO)
    3. Brief Overview – EU Water Framework Directive (WFD)
    4. Overview on the Draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland (2022-2027)
    5. Making a Submission as part of the public consultation process
    6. Open Discussion and Q&A Session

In preparing for this virtual meeting please see: The published Draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland (2022 to 2027) available to download here: https://www.gov.ie/en/consultation/2bda0-public-consultation-on-the-draft-river-basin-management-plan-for-ireland-2022-2027/.


Learn more about the draft plan via www.lawaters.ie and the Virtual Public Consultation Room here: https://drbmp-vcr.ie/


Join the meeting here: https://lawaters-ie.zoom.us/j/88633268766?pwd=dHc5ZmtlU0xGQmw3cEtOZ1hSeEVaQT09